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Common fault cause analysis and solution of sweeper

Date :2015-08-03 Views :874
Fault phenomenon Possible cause Elimination method
1, no suction capacity (1) The garbage compartment is fully loaded Discharge of refuse
(2) The suction mouth or straw is blocked Removal of blocking refuse
(3) The rear small door is not closed Close the back wicket
⑷ Fusible plug of hydraulic coupling melts Replace fusible plug and fill oil as required
(5) Suction cover is not opened 打开
2. The suction is weakened (1) The suction pipe is partially blocked Removal of blocking refuse
(2) Belt slip Tighten the tightening wheel
(3) The other side of the suction cover plate is not tightly covered Repair and adjustment
(4) The other side of the suction hose port is not covered shroud
(5) The filter screen behind the dustbin is partially blocked Clean up
⑹ Fan adjustment ring position deviation Reset as required
With the decrease of oil in the hydraulic coupling, the speed of the fan slows down According to the slip 3-4%, the amount of refueling is required (5.6L)
⑻ fan outlet and inlet seal damaged, leakage Replace seal
Engine speed is incorrect, slow Adjust the speed as required
The rear hatch door sealing strip is damaged and leaking Replace the sealing rubber strip
3, the secondary engine ignition difficulty ⑴ Fuel tank fuel is not enough Three checks should be made before leaving the car
(2) There is air in the fuel pipeline Air removal
(3) Extinguishing position does not return Inspection and maintenance
(4) Ignition oil supply is not correct Adjust the ignition oil supply Angle
4, secondary engine starter stop (1) The battery has no power Change the battery or charge it
(2) Battery connection is poor Inspection and repair
(3) Ignition switch failure Inspection and repair
(4) Starter motor failure Inspection and repair
5, auxiliary engine running but not starting ⑴ Insufficient fuel tank oil Check and replenish fuel
(2) The connection of the pipeline is loose or blocked Inspection and repair
6, the auxiliary engine starts but does not grow (1) Adjust cylinder stuck Inspection and repair
(2) Adjust the fall of the wire rope Inspection and repair
(3) Insufficient air pressure Check the air pressure and adjust it according to regulations
(4) The intake pipe or filter is blocked Check and clean
7, the engine water temperature is high ⑴ There is no water in the water tank Repair leaks
(2) Insufficient engine oil Three checks should be made before leaving the car
(3) Engine cylinder cushion gas Replace the cylinder pad
⑷ Thermostat failure can not be opened Check and replace
8, the side brush speed is low (1) Slower secondary engine speed Check and adjust
(2) The oil amount of the hydraulic coupling is too little, and the slip of the transmission box is increased Replenish oil as prescribed
(3) Hydraulic system leakage Inspection and repair
⑷ The hydraulic oil temperature is too high Check the cause
9, the side brush does not turn ⑴ Connecting bolt of oil pump connecting shaft is broken Check and replace
(2) Hydraulic motor failure Inspection and repair
(3) The solenoid valve is faulty Inspection and repair
10, the side brush can not be locked after recycling ⑴ Lifting steel wire length is not appropriate Check and adjust, there should be a little activity in the lifting position
(2) Self-locking cylinder failure Inspection and repair
11, the side brush is not recycled ⑴ Solenoid valve or electronic control failure Inspection and repair
⑵ Power cable fault Inspection and repair
(3) Self-locking cylinder failure Inspection and repair
⑷ Lifting steel wire damage Check and replace wire
12, the side brush can not open ⑴ Solenoid valve or electronic control failure Inspection and repair
(2) Self-locking cylinder failure Inspection and repair
(3) Low oil pressure Checks are adjusted according to regulations
13, wide brush speed slow ⑴ secondary engine speed slowed down Adjust the speed according to the regulations
(2) The oil amount of the hydraulic coupling is reduced, and the slip of the transmission box is increased Replenish oil as prescribed
14, wide brush does not rotate ⑴ Oil pump does not work Inspection and repair
(2) Drive joint wear Inspection and repair
(3) Bearing damage Change bearing
(4) Solenoid valve or electronic control failure Inspection and repair
15, wide brush bounce (1) Insufficient ground pressure Adjust the pressure regulator
(2) The brush body is bent Replace the brush body
16, wide brush can not be lifted (1) Insufficient air pressure New adjustment
17, wide brush does not fall (1) Air valve or electric control failure Inspection and repair
(2) Two pressure regulating valves or shuttle valves are faulty Inspection and repair
18, water nozzle no water ⑴ nozzle blockage Cleaning nozzle
(2) The pump belt is loose, worn and broken Check tightening and replacement
(3) The water filter is blocked Clean the water filter
(4) Water valve or electronic control failure Inspection and repair
19. Insufficient water pressure ⑴ safety valve failure Inspection and repair
(2) The water system pressure is low Adjust the safety valve pressure
20, fan abnormal sound ⑴ Friction between the wind blade and the wind casing Remove the blades to adjust the clearance
(2) The fan bearing is damaged Check that the bearing model 6312 is replaced
(3) The bearing seat of the fan lacks lubricating oil butter
21, the fan speed is not enough ⑴ belt slip Adjust the tension wheel
(2) Insufficient engine speed Adjust the general working condition of the auxiliary machine to 1600r/min
(3) Insufficient oil in the coupler Add steam turbine oil (20 # turbine oil), and the applicable oil amount of the coupling is 6.8L, slip ≤ 4%
22, the box tail door seal is poor ⑴ The rear door surface is uneven Repair plane with putty
(2) The rear door sealant is deformed Replace rubber strip
23, suction can not be lifted (1) Insufficient air pressure New adjustment
24, suction mouth Angle is not enough ⑴ Angle cylinder expansion is improper 调整
⑵ electronic control fault Inspection and repair
25, suction wheel wear ⑴ Normal walking wear Rubber wheel replacement
⑵ partial wear drag death Correct the direction of the pinion
26, about the vacuum hose, steel pipe wear perforation Normal wear Replace the suction hose and steel pipe
27. The lifting cylinder is weak (1) Gear pump working pressure is low Inspection and repair
(2) Lift cylinder pressure relief Check lift cylinder oil seal
28. All steam systems fail The gas solenoid valve group is powered off Check the air line solenoid valve group
29. Switch the ignition switch to AAC
The POWER and RUN lights of the PC are off (the secondary PC cannot be started).
⑴ There is no power in the main line before the ignition switch Inspection and repair
(2) Ignition switch failure Check and replace
(3) External regulated power supply board Inspection and repair
(4) PC software failure 更换
30. After powering on the PC, the ALARM and ERROR lights up ⑴ procedural disorder reprogram
(2) The PC software is faulty 更换
31, press the left scan button, PC 002 is not bright (1) The left sweep button switch cannot be fastened Check and replace
32, press the left wide scan button, PC 003 is not bright The left wide sweep button switch cannot be fastened Check and replace
33, press the right wide scan button, PC 004 does not light up The right wide sweep button switch cannot be fastened Check and replace
34. Press the scan button on the right. PC 005 does not light up The right sweep button switch cannot be fastened Check and replace
35, press the suction swing Angle button, PC 102 is not bright Swing Angle button switch cannot be fastened Check and replace
36, press the start stop button, PC 013 does not light up The start-stop button switch cannot be fastened Check and replace